Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thoroughness: The Value of “Once & Done”

My grandfather used to say, “Something is not worth doing unless you do it right.” Knowing this particular grandfather, by right I don’t think he meant perfectly — he meant honestly, without cutting corners. I’m realizing the value (and truth) of that statement the older I get. It requires a bit of patience in practice though.

True story — print by Virginia Kraljevic on Etsy

It’s easier than ever to feel pulled in a million directions during a single day (or hour, or minute). Between job, family, friends, health, Facebook (ha) the days don’t seem long enough. A friend recently said, “If you have more than three priorities, you don’t have any at all.” Who is guilty of a mile long to do list? This girl, for sure.

So what to do? The key is to prioritize and focus. If you spread yourself thin and try to get everything done, you won’t really get anything done. It will always feel like you’re putting out little fires — reacting instead of acting. Pick your top two to three tasks each day and focus. This concept applies to getting organized as well. Don’t set out one day to organize your entire home (I promise you’ll be disappointed). Instead, start somewhere small like a junk drawer or coat closet. Pull everything out, sort, then make decisions. It might seem to take longer this way, but I’m willing to bet that all of the half-efforts add up to more hours over time.


neutiquam erro said...

Love this post. We are so "busy" *facebook* we often miss or forget the important thing. I am so guilty. Have to make myself a crafty reminder like this.
Thank you!

Kristen said...

You’re welcome, glad it was helpful!