Monday, April 30, 2012

Staying Sane April

Each month I like to share at least one thing I’ve done in my life to simplify and maintain balance. This month’s change may seem minor, but the mental weight it removed feels pretty substantial.

I got rid of my duvet, which is basically a giant pillowcase for the comforter on a bed. You can get them in any color or pattern and the concept is that they increase the longevity of your comforter by acting as a protective and easily washable layer. Maintaining the duvet involved washing, ironing and de-linting for the crisp look I wanted. Instead, this usually happened: clean sheets in a laundry basket for a week while I slept on a bare mattress, procrastinating the laborious task.

Bed sans duvet — only two minutes to make in the morning!

Favorite details

My comforter is washable and white, just like the duvet I no longer own. I’m happy to say that life is now 1% easier — and hey, that stuff adds up. A bedroom should be a sanctuary, so anything to remove stress and increase recharging vibes = good in my book.

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