Sunday, May 29, 2011

Staying Sane May

Each month, Minimalist writers share how we “stay sane” in an increasingly fast-paced world. Read our May reflections below.

Kristen — This month I’ve started designating one day a week for reading (usually Sunday). Whether it be my copy of Real Simple or Inc. (small business ’zine), a novel or an organizing book, I feel refreshed, relaxed and more knowledgeable afterward. With the warmer weather, my reading has been taking place on my back porch with a glass of Simply Lemonade (or, as many of you know — straight from the jug). As a result of a recent Real Simple reading day, my diet improved! I prefer to have five or so snacks a day rather than three big meals, which is apparently healthier. Check out this article — “24 Nutritious (and Tasty) Snacks”. So far I have tried the cucumber with Swiss cheese as well as the Melba toast with cream cheese and dried cranberries. Food for me has to be quick and simple (I don’t enjoy cooking, or the mess it makes) and these combos are right on the mark.

Emily Smith — I’m experiencing a lovely transition at the moment between a hectic school semester and a summer break in the letterpress studio. Recently, as I finished school projects, final exams and several community events in which I was involved, I found myself wanting to start new projects that over the past six months I’d put aside. Then I realized I was creating a hectic summer schedule with, again, little time for leisure. I scrapped the list and went hiking in the mountains instead and since then haven’t thought about any new projects but instead have spent several fantastic days cooking, eating with friends, reading fiction, hiking, laying out at the River and Byrd Park, watching movies and ok, well, I have purged my closet. That was only because I couldn’t find my Nalgene bottle and swore it was buried in a box beneath my summer sandals that needed to be unearthed anyway! So, my staying sane tip this month is to give yourself time to do the little things that are calming, relaxing and fun. They’re usually the inexpensive things that get pushed aside when our schedules are packed so enjoy them for what they are, when you can.

Emily Jones — As Minimalist readers are well aware by now, I’ve been a chronic list maker nearly my entire life, or at least since I could write! This is something that Miss Kristen and I both have in common, and not all too long ago she made the transition to digital planning, organization, and list making. I remember one particular conversation we had where she tried to sell me the benefits of switching to digital list-making, and I just couldn’t fathom finding the same satisfaction and success as I do when I cross items off a hand written list.

Well, dear readers, I have been proven wrong. This month I discovered a handy (and free!) website called TEUXDEUX which is a very simply and beautifully designed list-maker’s dream. Its interface is ultra-easy to use, and it’s accessible not only via computer, but also on the go with your smart phone. The iPhone app is very elegant, and is available in the app store for just $2.99.

I have many friends that only download free apps, but for the price this is a super useful tool that I’ve been happy to incorporate into my daily activities. In fact, it’s kept my left hand free of scribbled-ink lists, although it won’t be replacing my hand written post-it lists entirely.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

@EJ - Can you sync that app with Google tasks? If so, I'm in!