Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Storefront Volunteer Thank You

Storefront friends and volunteers are invited to explore a partially renovated storefront at 122/124 E Broad St tonight from 5:30 to 8p.

This event, co-sponsored by Douglas Development, Polis Ventures, There/Here, and Storefront, will highlight the great potential for architectural revitalization and new business use on Broad Street. Participants will be invited to engage the streetscape with their design and innovation ideas in an interactive photo exhibit of Richmond’s downtown. Light fare from Comfort and beverages will be served.


Christie Hope said...

Very cool. There/Here looks like a pretty awesome site to bring attention to the vacancies on Broad. Excited to see what will come of that!

missemilyjones said...

oh shoot- i didn't see you there!
must have just missed you.